
An excellent article...

... from the Panda's Thumb.

Specielt er der et enkelt afsnit der meget rammende beskriver den danske situation:

Attacks on science are of concern not just to scientists; they threaten the continued prosperity and security of our entire nation in a world where we increasingly have to compete with other nations that have developed strong science-based technologies in areas that were once unchallenged domains of the United States. If we wish to continue to prosper in this environment we need, first and foremost, a work force that is highly educated in science, and capable of mastering advancing technologies based on continuing advances in science. The United States public education system below the university level has never put a sufficiently high value on science to permit filling this need with US-born individuals alone,

Hvis man erstatter 'United States' med European Union, eller for den sags skyld 'Denmark,' er afsnittet beklageligvis stadigt retvisende. En fysikerjoke siger at 'de der mener de styrer verden læser Wall Street Journal, de der mener de burde styre verden læser Washington Post, og de der faktisk styrer verden læser Nature.

Der er mere end en halv sandhed i den joke. Og så kan snakkehovderne i øvrigt ævle om grafisk brugerfladedesign og elevkompetenceudviklingsmålstyring alt det de ønsker.


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